
For Clear Books

The subscription system in Clear Books cloud software encourages customers to sign up for accounting, payroll and HR software. It persuades customers to purchase add on's such as training. Customers can also manage their payment methods, view billing history and adjust their subscription plans.

The aim of this project was to reduce support queries as customers frequently wanted to change their payment method or adjust their subscription payment frequency, neither of which were supported by the existing system. The sales team also wanted to increase revenue by upselling add on's whilst the business wanted a flexible future proof system.

I was responsible for the entire UX and design. I started by watching users on the current system via Inspectlet and analysing support queries. Then I researched our direct competitors and others in the market whose core business model was subscription based (such as Graze, Netflix etc.) before reading about the psychology behind online checkouts. Next I began to map out the users desired flow using the user stories from the sprint backlog as a guide. After this I moved on to sketching some screens before moving to Balsamiq. Here we tested the flow on users and tweaked before moving to Axure to create hi fidelity prototypes. Finally I used Adobe Illustrator to create the graphics needed.

I was also responsible for communicating these changes to our customers. For this I wrote and published blogs and community posts as each part was released iteratively. Links to this content were then posted to social media. You can read this content by clicking the links in the 'Related marketing content' panel.


Research and design
